Wednesday, July 20, 2011


On Tuesday, I was able to meet up with Ali during tea time. Although he is the only one of my partners that is my age, I feel the most distant from him. I was talking to the group of Arabic guys that we all have been hanging with before he arrived to tea time. Once he arrived, its seemed as if he almost kept his distance because he doesn't really have any interest speaking with any of my other Arabic friends. There was a random student with a guitar that day and he was quickly drawn to that. Seeing an opportunity to spark conversation with something i'm extremely passionate about, I said goodbye to my friends and joined Ali with the others circling the guitar. Ali and I began talking about music and his interest in learning guitar. I shared some insight with him and tried to guide him towards making the right guitar purchase. I assured him that next time we meet, I would bring my guitar and show him some chords. I think I've finally made some sort of breakthrough/connection with Ali.

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