Monday, July 25, 2011

Francis- TP 6

I met with Kukit last Wednesday. He was going out of town that weekend so we had to reschedule out usual Friday sesions a bit earlier in the week.

To finish the activity we started the week before, i gave Kukit another chance to listen to the video and take notes. Since he had lost the notes from the previous session, we listened to the video more than I had planned. Kukit got all the main points on his notes and he was able to talk about all of them quite well. There were some mistakes, especially with Vs and Rs but I think we worked on the well. Hopefully, we will see results. We discussed our opinions about it. Kukit really likes technology so he did confess that his background with it helped him with the activity. We both agreed to look for reports that were less familiar to him.

After we finished the lesson, Kukit asked me to help him with a rough draft essay which had already been graded. We did not correct what his teacher marked. He asked me to help with his structure and his supporting points. Overall, these were very good. His points were not obviously clear because they were lost in some confusing sentence structures and wording. I helped him with all that before out hour was over. We agreed to meet this Friday at the usual time.

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