Monday, July 18, 2011

Katie- CP 5

Wednesday afternoon I met with Jaime and Yasuko at CIES and drove them to Mike’s Seafood on Apalachee. Yasuko was very pleasantly surprised when I told her that we could go wherever she wanted during our conversation partner meetings. Neither Jaime nor Yasuko had been there before and both were quite excited for different reasons. Yasuko seemed very happy to be able to buy Japanese food and answered a few of my questions about Japanese food. While Jaime and I expected her to have fun looking around, though, she seemed to know exactly what she wanted and finished her shopping pretty quickly. Yasuko ended up inviting Jaime and me to her apartment on Sunday to eat the food that she bought that day and we both got very excited. On the ride to and from the store, Jaime helped a lot to keep the conversation flowing while I was driving. We constantly ask Yasuko about various things in and about Japan and Yasuko is always so excited to learn and experience new things in America. Like my conversations with Areum, we always talk about so many things but while it’s all very interesting at the time, I tend to forget what we talked about later. I think it’s a good sign that we’re getting along well!

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