Monday, July 25, 2011

Francis- CP 8

This past Saturday was our turn to thank our Saudi and Kuwaiti CPs. Camille hosted a cook out for all of us. Nick and I split getting the hot dogs and burgers. It was very fun. Albraa showed me my name in Arabic. I've been practicing writting it myself. The first few times i wrote it from left to right....I felt really dumb when I realized, had a good laugh, and have since been practicing from right to left.
We had to be a bit careful with the meat the CPs brought because they can only eat meat that is made a specific way. It made me think of the differences and the concern that we had to go through, but I also think we were all more than willing to respect this.
We had a great time. We talked about our plans for the rest of the summer. Suzanne' trip to Argentina, for example. Abra showed me my name in Arabic. That was super fun. We also got to talk to a few Asian CIES students who joined us for the dinner. There were a lot of people, and we all got along very well. Carlos gave some guitar lessons outside.
This might be completely irrelevant to this blog, but I must mention the culinary amazingness that was the Dorito salad. Yeah...Dorito salad. It was GLORIOUS. XD

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