Wednesday, July 6, 2011


On Tuesday, I met with Abdel during our designated tea time. Again, his eagerness to learn impressed me. He actually called me the morning of to see if I would be at the tea time. To be honest, I didn't realize tea time would be a weekly event. Luckily, Abdel is always on top of things and helped remind me. In fact, Abdel has been keeping in good contact with me throughout our long weekend. He would call just to greet me and practice some of his English over the phone. At the tea time, we discussed what we did over the holiday weekend. I am glad Abdel was able to see fireworks at one of the nearby Tallahassee parks. He said it was a great party atmosphere and enjoyed his first 4th of July. As our conversation continued, I did not hesitate to correct him and he was very receptive. Eventually, the conversation shifted to specific problems he was heaving with his speech. In particular, he had issues using past tense at the right time and remembering irregular past tense verbs. We worked through a number of examples. I told him that memorization is a huge part of learning irregular verbs, and that it will all come naturally as he practices his English more and more. We plan on meeting Wednesday so I can accompany him as he tries to purchase a new laptop. This will be a good situation for him to practice his English in public.


  1. aw. That's great that your helping him with the laptop purchase- and I'm sure it will definitely help his English in a potentially stressful situation.

  2. This does make a world of a difference having someone help with these kind of life tasks, especially when it is in your L2.
