Saturday, July 2, 2011

Erin - CP 2

On Wednesday, Thomas and I met at Chili’s after his classes were over. This meeting was less formal than the one on the day before, so our conversation did not start out as learning facts about each other, but instead talking about each other’s day. When he had told me that his speaking English had not been that great only a week before, I did not believe it, but at this meeting, I could tell that his English already sounded even more fluid than it had the day before. However, there were still several moments when I noticed the internal translation and processing; a couple of times, I would ask a question and then thought that he didn’t hear me because he didn’t answer at all…only to hear him answer about 5 minutes later; so I finally realized that he did hear me, and even remembered what I said, but had to process it first.
We continued to share our love of music and of going to the gym; so he shared a protein shake and some Raggeaton with me. I tried to tell him about fun things to do in Tallahassee, although I don’t know that much about it myself, and he told me all about what it was like growing up in Medellin and what he and his friends would do for fun. He also broke a small stereotype of mine; we were watching soccer on the restaurant TV, and when I asked if he liked soccer, he said, “Yeah, kind of.” He told me that, in fact, he had always wanted to play American football. Honestly, I was shocked because I didn’t think other countries even watched American football.
Our only official day to meet is on Tuesdays, but I don’t think that not meeting enough will be a problem, as he has already expressed his desire to see more of Tallahassee, and we have mentioned several activities that we can do together.

1 comment:

  1. Glad Thomas has you as a CP. I don't think he knows many people here in Tally, yet.
