Friday, July 8, 2011


On July 8th, I met with Dongseok to have our first individual tutoring session. He was unable to meet with me last week due to issues with his apartment. He was extremely apologetic but i reassured him that I understood his dilemma. We sat down and began our session. Dongseok seeks to improve his speech. He especially wants to focus on his fluidity as well as using common American expressions and terminology. I prepared some questions to start things off but I quickly realized Dongseok really just wanted to converse to become more familiar with how Americans our age speak. Dongseok is very proficient in the way he speaks. He studied a good amount of English in Korea, so as a result, he speech often times seems proper or lengthy. I begin to correct him and show him alternative ways to say what he is saying. He gets very excited knowing that he is sounding more and more natural as he practices his speech more and more. He writes down all of the alternative phrases in his notepad and we were also able to touch base on some grammar issues that he repeatedly has. In particular, he has trouble remembering to use articles because articles don't exist in the Korean language. I will make sure to look out for these mistakes as we continue to meet with each other weekly.


  1. My tutee JongOuk is very similar, wanting to improve on his fluidity and common American expressions. Sounds like things are going smoothly! :)
