Monday, July 4, 2011

Francis- TP 2

I met with Kukit on Friday for our first individual tutoring session. I first went over some information and guidelines for our sessions. That included going over the time we would spend per session and the break we would take if a session continued over that time. I also wanted to make sure he was comfortable stopping the session if he had any questions. I think I got very lucky to get very dedicated and interested partners so we worked through the questions well and stayed on track.

For our first session I wanted to do something laid back so Kukit would feel comfortable speaking. I figured I would have him read a speech out loud. I thought this would also help me diagnose his pronunciation without having him hesitate if he couldn't think of a word. Before the session, I found Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech online. I printed the first few paragraphs and found a link to the video. To introduce the activity, I asked Kukit what he knew about Martin Luther King Jr. He knew that he was involved in a movement that helped African-Americans. I said that was true and I gave a little explanation about segregation and the Civil Rights movement. I figured this would help him understand the context of the speech. I told Kukit I wanted him to read at a steady but comfortable pace. It was OK if he struggled through the pronunciation of a word but I told him I didn't want him to take too long trying to figure it out. Kukit did well but he does struggle considerably. He struggles with Rs and Ls often; Especially if they follow another consonant. We worked on this as we reviewed the speech. I encouraged him to keep a list of word he has trouble pronouncing and to go over the list often. I initially planned to view the speech as a wrap up but since Kukit preferred to be outside to read the speech we didn't have access to a computer. I read the speech instead but also encouraged Kukit to look up MLKs speech with the link I gave him.

Kukit showed interest in the Civil Rights movement and told me he was interested in stuff like this. I'm glad he liked our first activity. Before leaving I, told him we would do some free-writing next week so I could see how his vocabulary and grammar are.

1 comment:

  1. Good mix of language skills and history. That speech has some fairly low-frequency words. It might behoove you to find some transcripts/scripts of dialogue.
