Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jeff Dinert TP 4

Abdulrahman and I went to see Transformer's in Imax 3D on Friday July 8th and it was interesting for I knew he was excited to get out of the house, and likes seeing movis, but I wondered if he would be able to understand anything at all especially Shia Lebouf freaking out and speking really fast all movie long. It turns out upon the interview afterwards, that he did not really understand much of what was said, but as for the robots fighting each other and humans in a war he got that just fine. This was an interesting turn for I was going to have hime write a short paper on the movie we saw and try to read it to me by the following Monday, but the lack of comprehension threw a wrench in that plan, so instead we chatted and I learned about his favorite types of DJ music as he clled it, and I showed him some of the DJ music I liked with Hip hop artists and dancing. I leanred that they love dance music in Saudi Arabia but do not do any dancing, so in my mind at least I have resolved to take Abdul to a dance club when his foot heals. As for the tutoring, what I decided to help him with was a problem he was having with orders he had made from Amazon for school items, that never reached Abdulrahman. The address he put on it was wrong, for his roomates, did not kow he needed to put the apartment number on it when he first asked for that information, and the packages were lost in flux. The lesson on Monday became calling the numbers, writing short emails to send me my stuff again pleasee, and how to go to th epost office and find out where his packages were. I think he has figured the basics of the mail out, and what post office in town is for his zip code, and how to write short email in English, preferrably broken English to let them know he is from another country and that is the mix up. It was a long day Monday figuring it out but a good one and hopefully Abdul gets his things sooon, and learned a little. This week upcoming we will work on basic phrases and I will have him collect some vocabulary he does not understand and we will use it in a conversation. Maybe I will look at his homework with him aand help him with that as well.

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