Friday, July 8, 2011

Katie- TP 3

On Wednesday I met with Jia again at Strozier, she was running a little late and she had forgotten the book she was going to bring, which made this session a bit bumpy. I began by answering the grammar questions she had from the last session and doing the quick grammar review I had prepared, but we quickly assessed that while she knew the basic concepts of all the grammar points and could explain them to me, the trouble was using them in practice while speaking. This basic review and assessment didn’t take long, so we spent the rest of the session chatting, mostly about the troubles and difficulties of grammar and studying, and a bit on the more casual side, as well. I showed her a couple of School House Rock videos that I remembered watching as a kid, because I thought they might be interesting or cute to watch. By the end, though, I felt like the session had failed a bit because I did not have a back up plan, but Jia reassured me that the simple act of us meeting and talking at all forced her to used more English than she would had we not met up. We scheduled to meet again next Monday and she assured me that she would remember the book next time. On Wednesday she will be going to California for a week, and she is very nervous about traveling by herself for the first time in America because she seems to have bad luck when traveling by herself. After she gets back we will watch a movie or show in English together. I hope the next session goes more smoothly!


  1. When in doubt, just have a friendly conversation with your tutee :)). Like Jia said, simply conversing with an American will help with her English.

  2. Thanks, Carlos! I'm learning that pretty quickly, haha.
