Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Larry TP 3

I met with "Robin"and Suk Joon on Tuesday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. I guess it goes without saying that we consider each class a building block for the development of better and better English comm skills moving from listening, speaking, reading, to eventually effective writing skills. With that in mind, I distributed my handout and told them what we were going to do. I then asked them for a quick review of our last lesson. They seemed to have retained it and gave correct answers to a few related questions. To combat boredom, I offered three different subject areas in my handout for the day's class. Correspondingly, I had prepared by looking up some vocabulary lessons that additionally offered common to difficult plural forms. I tried to get them to practice meaningful manipulation making a sentence with a few of the vocabulary words. I also added some exercises in developing and writing questions from underlined words in a set of answers. This offered the benefit of having them write complete sentences. Finally, I found some fill-in-the-blank and listening exercises to determine their knowledge of prepositions. I quickly realized they needed more focus in this area. As my previous cursory evaluation put them at Group two or three, my emphasis was in receptive use of all vocabulary words with a slightly detailed explanation to satisfy an eventual move towards productive use. I also explained the importance of pronunciation of the "r"' sounds versus the "l" sounds. I used the word "election" as an example. I don't know if this is intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. I had a sense that my lesson addressed their English knowledge skill level. We reviewed our lesson and I asked for feedback. They stated they wanted more similar vocabulary, explanation and practice of definite and indefinite articles, and more detailed practice on prepositions to include a explanation of terms like "wake up", "turn on", or "away from". We decided to meet the same time/place next Tuesday and to go for Korean dinner the following Tuesday. I used the moment to use some idiomatic expressions saying, "It is on me." and "It will be my treat". They quickly smiled when they understood the explanation.

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