Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DeRobbio Tp #1

I met with both of my Tutee's for the first time as a joint session. It seemed to go more like a conversation session to get to know each other, and get a gage of their skill levels. They both had their level sheets and I wrote down their information. Antonia is Chinese, on a five year visa, and has pretty high overall levels but would like most of her help to be focused on listening. She already has her bachelors degree and wants to pursue her graduates degree here in America. Antonia has only been in the United States two weeks, and the same is true for my second tutee Joselyn. Joselyn is from Puerto Rico and I am surprised that most of her levels are 1-3 because her english seems to be pretty well. She explains to me that she needs help with Speaking and she often thinks in Spanish, but speaks in English causing her to jumble her sentences. As we talk more I understand what she means. I agree to meet with Alice on Mondays at 3 and with Joselyn at 3 on Thursday's since they both have different need areas. Joselyn tells me that she only plans to stay in the states until she finishes this program and she is very homesick. I told her that whenever you move somewhere initially it is hard, but as you adjust you find things you like. I tell them we will go to the mall one day on a navigation lesson because they both agree they only leave the house only for classes and than return straight home for fear of getting lost.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing what you have in mind to help them. Any ideas?
