Saturday, July 9, 2011


Tonight a large group gathered at Hassan's apartment and had an authentic Arabic dinner. The guests included; Jaime, Nic, Francis, Carlos, Suzanne, me and my 4 friends. Also many of the CIES students from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were there. The boys asked me to pick up some donuts for them before we came over which I found extremely interesting and ironic. So we get to the apartment and Hassan had prepared coffee from Saudi Arabia for all of us. At this point I did not see Abdullah, my conversation partner because he was preparing the food with Muhammad at his own apartment. We sat around and talked for a while as many students filtered in and out of the house. Nic and I became in charge of French Fry duty and worked with a deep fryer for about an hour, which was lovely. As I looked around the room I was happy to see that everyone was integrated and no one was separating themselves from any of other group. Hassan and his friends expressed how it is traditionally very rude for a host to invite guests over for dinner and then have the guests help with the cooking. But I think Nic and I were so hungry we were ready to help in any way we could. The actual meal did not start until about 9:00, two hours later. The boys set up a plastic sheet onto the floor and prepared a LARGE meal. With french fries, chicken, rice, pasta and traditional Arabic tomato sauce to put on top of the rice/chicken. The students informed us that they traditionally eat with their hands but in this day and age, it is not very common. We all sat on the floor in the living room and enjoyed much food and drink. It was truly an amazing night and everyone learned so much! All of my friends were blown away as to how different of a life the Arabic students have back home yet are able to fit in so seamlessly into the American lifestyle. After dinner, we were served tea again and stayed around to chat for a while longer. My friends and I left around 10:15 while Carlos, Francis and Jaime stayed to hang out and smoke hookah. Hassan gave me a huge platter of leftover food that will be lasting me for the next two weeks. I am excited to know that I will have delicious food in my fridge for a while. Right before we left, my roommate Julie and I sang for the group. We sang "Let it Be" by the Beatles and it seemed that everyone enjoyed it. We then made plans to have a cookout for them hosted at my house at some point in the near future. Everyone in TEFL is invited of course!!

1 comment:

  1. Great detail on the evening, Camille. It was a great cultural experience, and an event I will treasure always. For anyone looking to hang out with a bunch of the CIES students they are going to the FSU REZ on Saturday and Wakulla Springs the Saturday after that. Should be fun!
